Raw Wild Pricing

https://www.rawwild.com/products/raw-wild-one-time-trial-12lbs https://www.rawwild.com/collections/monthly-recurring-orders/products/raw-wild-premium-raw-dog-food-12lbs-monthly https://www.rawwild.com/collections/monthly-recurring-orders/products/raw-wild-premium-raw-dog-food-24lbs-monthly https://www.rawwild.com/collections/monthly-recurring-orders/products/raw-wild-premium-raw-dog-food-48lbs-monthly

Shipping RAW WILD:

With the exception of the states listed below (Zone 8), Raw Wild is happy to offer free shipping to our customers within the continental US.  Unfortunately, because of the complex UPS shipping regulations we cannot ship to Zone 8 for free.   Without boring you with the detail about the UPS ‘Dimensional Weight Policy’ and other guidelines, we are forced to ship to Zone 8 only by air, which increases shipping costs by as much as 250%.  We simply cannot ship to Zone 8 by UPS Ground and still guarantee the highest standards of freshness and quality.

Zone 8 States:

Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Upper Peninsula, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.  


Zone 8 Flat Rate Shipping Costs: UPS (3-Day Air)  

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